In a momentous MLS debut, soccer superstar Lionel Messi took to the field for Inter Miami in a Leagues Cup match against Cruz Azul. Despite not being in the starting lineup, Messi’s presence attracted a star-studded audience of high-profile celebrities at DRV PNK Stadium in Miami. Among them, Lakers star LeBron James led the group and exchanged warm greetings with Messi before kick-off.
Kim Kardashian, attending the game with her children, expressed that her family was the reason for her presence at the event. Tennis legend Serena Williams also made a notable appearance later in the evening, adding to the excitement surrounding the match.
Notably, Inter Miami’s co-owner, David Beckham, alongside his wife Victoria Beckham, were in attendance as well, witnessing the highly anticipated debut of the Argentine maestro.
As the game progressed, anticipation mounted for Messi’s appearance on the pitch. In a thrilling turn of events, Messi’s left boot proved its legendary prowess once more, delivering a game-winning goal from a free-kick in the 94th minute. The strike secured a remarkable 2-1 victory for Inter Miami over Cruz Azul in the Leagues Cup opener.
Messi’s performance on this momentous occasion exceeded all expectations, leaving an indelible mark on the American soccer landscape. His debut showcased not only his exceptional skills but also the significance of the event itself, drawing the attention of soccer enthusiasts worldwide.